About ARIZER Solo Vaporizer


As nowadays market is growing in every field and like Whether which is beneficial harmful for us It is running with the demand of the buyers or the customers so just like that the vaporizers are also available in a wide variety and a wide range of colours and uses and also according to the techniques which are being used to operate them. ARIZER solo vaporizer is one of the latest and unique featured vaporizer nowadays in the market which is giving a new meaning to the reprising with its unique features and functions and also its battery making it more durable with many other features which will be discussed in detail later.

Following other features of the ARIZER solo vaporizer which are being introduced in the latest models of them:

  • It is designed to vaporize the herbs which are in the dried form So that it could be used for a long time and after a long time without getting old. It is considered as the one of the best dry herb vaporizer. This is used to vaporize in the solid form not in the liquid form which will give them a unique feature of long lasting ability to hold the flavour and taste of the herb which was being used through that.
  • It has tourist capacity of 0.20 grams of a harp in the form of dried herbs which is sufficient for a single user So that you can take it with yourself wherever you are going and whenever you are going. This feature of the ARIZER solo vaporizer and beaker bong makes it more famous among the users So that every single person could get their own vaporizer with them whenever or wherever they are going also like bong accessories.
  • You can also set the temperature in this automatically according to your need. This is very amazing feature in this making it worth considering when you are going to buy any vaporizer for yourself. There are seven levels of temperature so that you can set your desired temperature according to your need and choice so that you could enjoy your favourite flavour according to your wish.
  • This is very quick and functioning as the initial hating time is only 3 minutes it means that initially you have to hit it up for three minutes To reach the temperature which is selected by you on the temperature scale President on the long pipe like body of the ARIZER solo vaporizer.
  • Conduction and convection are the two processes being conducted inside the body of ARIZER solo vaporizer or beaker bong which is converting the dried herb into ARIZER solo vaporizer or bong accessories so that the user can enjoy the flavour of that herb.
  • The chamber in the vaporizer which is being used to place that dried herb where it will be heated up is made up of stainless steel making it more durable and convenient to use.